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Return to Flotilla 13-3's Home Page.

NOTE: this page will be populated with external links for some items such as uniform regulations, ribbon checker, forms, etc. Members should keep in mind that this is a page "under construction" and that improvements will continue to be made and links applied during the July and August time period. Suggestions from Flotilla 13-03 Members for items or links to include should be forwarded to the Webmaster using the link provided at the bottom of each page.
Latest Directives

Mustang PFD Recall

Do you own an inflatable Mustang Survival Vest? Mustang Survival is voluntarily recalling all model number MD2010 and MD2012 inflatable life jackets sold in the United States during 2011.  You can read about the specifics of this recall here by downloading Mustang Life Vest Recall (.pdf file).

Links to

 Submitting flotilla forms

Flotilla Plans, Rosters  & Documents
 Southern Florida Keys AUXCHEFs and galley volunteers list

Public Affairs Projects (in development)
Coast Guard Contacts(in development)

Member Input